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A film by Alexandre Braga with  Nilson Muniz performing a poem by Ruth Ministro.
Conception: Nilson Muniz and Alexandre Braga
Production: BASE
Prize of  Best Poetic Perfornance Vídeo by Edita-me Editora  (Oporto-Portugal). 

* Filmpoem Festival 2013'  (Dunbar- Escócia);
* Visible Verse 2013'  (Vancouver- Canadá). 



A film by David Vallina

Person who comes out from your region or contry  to establish in another. Were few in the past, in the present they are who they are and in the future will be the others. But there will be always immigrants.


Direction and script: David Vallina
* X Muestra de Cine de Lavapiés  (Espanha);
* Onmoving Film Festival  (Porto- Portugal).

Making of  - someWHERE

Curupira  (Making Of)

Making-of by Fábio Yamaji from the short movie

CURUPIRA  (2004)
​Nilson Muniz: Curupira (body-actor to 3D)
Direction: Guilherme Ramalho and Fábio Mendonça
Production: Trattoria di Frame.

* Best Potography in the Atibaia International  Audiovisual Festival 2006
* Best Short Movie - Rio Festival  2005
* Best Art Direction in the Londrina Movie Shows 2005
* Best Photography in the Londrina Movie Shows 2005
*Best Short Movie for Children in the  Vitória Cine Vídeo 2005 
* Internacional Shor Movie Festival from São Paulo 2005
* Paulista Audiovisual Showing 2005
* Cinema Paradise Film Festival 2005


Direction: Ricardo Botini
Narration voice and Brahma: Nilson Muniz

"Batateogonia is an adaptation of the homonymous tale by  the writer Fabio Dobashi Furuzato. The text, originally written for a magazine of students of Arts from Unicamp, "Grandma behind the stub",  is a parody of stories about the creation of the universe. "

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